Saturday, April 2, 2011

¡Feliz primavera!

Hola todos,

¡Feliz primavera! Happy Spring! Espero que disfruten de esta temporada tan bonita! I hope you enjoy this beautiful time of the year!

We have been having lots of fun in our learning. We've finished our winter activities -- new vocabulary, reading snow stories, and graphing our preference for mitones o guantes -- just to name a few. Now spring is upone us. Here's what we've been up to in marzo and where we're headed in abril. Now that April is here, we have been begun the sprint to year's end. It always goes soooo fast!

All classes: Basic words and phrases, numbers, spring/weather, movement and music

Multiage K-1; K-2: Transporte/transportation. New vocabulary: carro (car), coche (car, Spain), barco (boat), barco de vela (sailboat), tren (tren), motocicleta/moto (motorcycle), bicicleta/bici (bicycle/bike), helicóptero (helicopter), nave espacial (space shuttle), avión (airplane), camión (truck), autobús (bus).

Activities: Acting out the motion for the word (like charades), matching game, matamoscas (fly swatter touch to identify words), clapping out and identifying syllables, tallying which form of transporte we use to get to school, copying the words, and drawing our own transporte which included flying cars, rockets, and skateboards. Next up: Spring, action words, and theme-related work.

Grades 2/3: Transporte.
Activities: Similar to K-1, K-2, with extensions in reading, writing, and speaking. Students made their own word sheet, drawing the transporte and writing the word to go with it as well as a sentence about their transporte favorito. We also played Siete Arriba (Heads up, Seven up) with the vocab words. We have been working on how to say when our birthdays are (day first, then month) and are starting on our addresses. Next up: Community; action words; telling time.

Multiage 4/5: Question words, frases útiles, and Spanish speaking countries
We continue to explore Spanish speaking countries around the globe and a few of their neighbors in the Americas. Students are becoming very attached to "their"countries. Among the information that is basic geography, languages, population, flag, major products, currency (money), etc.

We have finished our research and have begun our writing -- taking what we found out in English and putting into Spanish. This will be the basis for a final written and oral presentation. We look forward to sharing the final product.

Spring Sing is just around the corner. As part of our paises unit we have been learning some cool songs by top Spanish speaking artists (and related to my favorite sport.) Maybe you've been hearing them around home? We can't wait to share them at the Sing.

We have also been taking some time to focus on question words: Who (¿Quién?), What (¿Qué), When (¿Cuándo?) Where (¿Dónde), Why (¿Por qué?), because (porque), How (¿Cómo?). How many (¿Cuántos?), How much (¿Cuánto), How much does it cost (¿Cuánto cuesta), Which (¿Cuál?), and Hay -- pronounced "I"-- (there is/there are). In addition to being important basic words, they will provide a foundation for storytelling based on our Spankish speaking country unit.

And of course, we're studying those useful and essential phrases one must know when traveling to a Spanish speaking country.


World Language Advisory Committee: Monday, April 11, 2011. 7:30 -9:00 pm. Whittier Community Room. With special pre-meeting screening (6:30-7:30) of the award winning documentary Speaking in Tongues: Four children, four languages, one city, one world.

Ethnic Festival: Saturday, May 7, 2011. Julian Middle School. Students from Whittier's WISE Baila will perform.

¡Gracias por todo! Please contact me with any questions or concerns.
Sra. Deaton

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

¡Feliz invierno! Happy Winter!

Queridas familias/ Dear Families,

Just a short note to apologize for being so behind in my posting, including promised photos of our earlier work on esqueletos y planetas. Please check back next week (early February) and find out more about what we're doing and where we're headed. Also check out those photos of our planetas and esqueletos -- the drawings are priceless and worth the wait!

I also want to send a special thanks to the Whittier PTO for its incredible generosity in the form of a teacher grant to purchase Spanish books and other learning materials for our students. I am deeply appreciative of all your support of the program. Gifts such as these speak volumes and really help expand our language learning.

Family conferences are just around the corner. As always, the Spanish room (317) is open. Please stop by for a visit, to check out what we're up to, practice YOUR Spanish, or borrow a book.

A Taste of our Learning: We've been up to lots of exciting things since the dawn of the New Year: studying winter -- the season, clothing, animals, and more; getting ready for One Hundred Day (Día Cien); reinforcing our knowledge of days of the week and months (it's much easier to do them sequentially if you start at the beginning!; and in multiage 4/5 map skill work and embarking on our social studies unit about Spanish speaking countries. Lots more to come!

Finally, today's Wednesday Journal highlighted the Elementary World Language (FLES) program. I have included a link to the on-line version of that article in the section "Fun Links."

Thank you again for all you do to enrich your child's language learning experience through "field trips" to Pilsen and other Chicago area locations and to Spanish speaking countries. The stories, the postcards, and the enthusiasm show how much your efforts enhance their learning beyond what we do in the classroom.

mil gracias y hasta pronto,
Señora Deaton