Monday, September 27, 2010

¡Es octubre! It's October!

Hola todos,

De verdad ha llegado el otoño con los días más cortos y fresquitos. Las hojas de todo color bailan en el viento. Los pájaros y las ardillas aprovechan del buen tiempo para buscar comida. Las calabazas y las otras plantas cambian de color verde al anaranjado. Y los niños esperan con mucha anticipación el comienzo de la estación de fiestas de octubre, noviembre y diciembre. En México, las familias están preparándose para el Día de los Muertos cuando recuerdan en forma muy especial sus seres queridos que han fallecido. Vayan al Museo Nacional de Arte Méxicano para experimentar como realmente se celebra. Espero que ustedes disfruten de esta temporada tan rica en tradiciones y diversión.

Fall has truly arrived, with its shorter and cooler days. The leaves of all color dance in the wind. Birds and squirrels take advantage of the good weather to look for food. The pumpkins and other plants change from green to orange. And children wait anxiously for the beginning of the fall festival season of October, November, and December. In Mexico, families prepare for El Día de Muertos, a time to remember in a special way their loved ones who have died. Check out the exhibit at the National Museum of Mexican Art for a real feeling of how it is celebrated. I hope that you all enjoy this time so rich in tradition and fun.

Hispanic Heritage: Many of our classes were treated to an "in-school field trip" last Thursday. Ms. Lynn Allen, director of the D97 MultiCultural Resource Center (MCRC), sometimes called the "Coolest Room in District 97," came to teach us about Hispanic Heritage Month and to share artifacts from around the Spanish speaking world. She encouraged students to try on, try out, and touch much of what she brought: clothing, musical instruments, photographs, dolls, Día de muertos artifacts, artesanry, books, and more. We learned a lot and had great fun. We are in the process of making Spanish cards to say "gracias" to Sra. Allen for such a wonderful "trip."

WISE and Latin Dance: Latin culture and Spanish learning continue at Whittier even after the school day ends thanks to the PTO and the WISE program. This session we are very excited to offer ¡Baila! -- dance with a Latin American twist. Peruvian dancer/instructor Jessica Loyaga meets with students Mondays after school to teach dances from around Latin America, mostly in Spanish, throwing in a bit of English only when needed. I help get the class started and then Maestra Jessica and the chicas take over. They are working very hard, mastering the movements and steps. I look forward to seeing their performance at the end of the session. We are hopeful to offer this again next session and get even more students bailando. We also hope to have Maestra Jessica and su esposo Maestro Rubén come and perform for some of our classes. Watch for information about joining "Baila" in the next WISE registration.

More PTO Thanks:
¡Gracias Whittier PTO por los libros! Whittier PTO, thanks for the books!

Thanks to the generosity of the PTO back to school gift, I was able to purchase some new books for our Spanish room library. They focus primarily on social studies and science topics. We've already started using them and they are a big hit! I still have a bit more of that back to school gift funds left for something special. I'll keep you posted on how I use it. Remember that my library is always open. -- come visit and borrow a book.

Here's the list of the latest additions:
¡Agua, agua, y más agua!
De la A a la Z por Veracruz
De la A a la Z por México
De la A a la Z por Puebla
Explora América del Sur
Conoce a los Estados Unidos
The Day of the Day/ El Día de los muertos

Family Conferences
I enjoyed having so many families visit the Spanish room during conferences. It's always a delight to talk with you and share our learning.

A Taste of Our Learning in septiembre y octubre:

In the younger grades, we have learned a new song: "Ojos, boca, dientes y naríz." It includes lots of fun movement. We can't wait to share it with you in our winter sing!

Other morsels:
MAP K-1: numbers 0-10, colors, numbers, shapes, days of the week, Hispanic Heritage, seasonal themes

MAP K-2: numbers 0-10 & 10-100, Hispanic Heritage, seasonal themes. With plants we talked all about the parts of plants and trees. Some of our new words are raíz, tronco, ramo, hojas, flor, fruta, semilla, brote, planta. See how many you can figure out. Wait till you see our art work!

Grades 2, 3: numbers 0-10, 10-100 by tens; Hispanic Heritage,
seasonal themes. We've spent lots of time on the sistema solar talking about planets in order from the Sun, whether the Sun is a planet or a star, which planets are bigger/ smaller, which have rings or moons, which are hot/cold, and more -- ALL IN ESPAÑOL! Wait till you see our art work!

4/5 Multiage: Hispanic Heritage, Spanish alphabet, sound/letter correspondence, reading and writing, math operations (subtraction, division), numbers beyond 100, cardinal directions

As always, don't forget to check out the links for more enrichment ideas and resources. Check back after conferences for some photos of our Hispanic Heritage visit with Sra. Allen and our drawings of plantas y planetas.

Watch for más noticias! Gracias por todo, Sra. Deaton

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Hispanic Heritage Scavenger Hunt Assignment Grades 4/5

Hola todos,

Hispanic Heritage Month is in full swing! There are lots of exciting things going on around town including special exhibits at area museums, some of which were listed in my previous post.

As part of our learning, 4th and 5th graders have been assigned this Hispanic Heritage Scavenger Hunt. It is due the week of September 27. The more "pieces" they find, the more points they earn!

Just in case their personal copy gets misplaced and so that you can have easy access it to for yourself, I am including it here. Hope you and they have fun exploring a bit of Hispanic culture.

Check back soon for more about our learning and enrichment opportunities.

Gracias y hasta pronto, Sra. D.

Hispanic Heritage (Herencia Hispana) Scavenger Hunt

Hispanic Heritage Month is celebrated every year from September 15th to October 15th. It is a time to recognize the many contributions of latinos to our lives in the United States. Challenge yourself to see how many of these items you can find and questions you can answer. To help keep track, put a check next to each number you find. Then write that number on your picture/paper etc. Keep “answers” in envelope or folder until the due date. Be sure to put your name on it!

Due Week of September 27. ¡Buena suerte (good luck) y diviértense (have fun)!

1. Two or three sentences about why Hispanic Heritage month starts on September 15

2. A signature from a Spanish-speaking person (not me!). Indicate where he/she is from.

3. A news article about a country where Spanish is the official language. Tell on which continent the country is found. Extra 5 points if article is NOT off the Internet.

4. The name of the country that won this year’s Copa Mundial/World Cup in fútbol and a picture of its flag. Extra points for names of some of its players.

5. A picture of a Spanish-speaking actor, actress, singer, musician, politician, or athlete.

6. The name of a country (besides US & Mexico) that has Spanish as one of its major languages. 2 extra points if you include a map that shows the country.

7. A picture of a dance or a musical instrument that originally came from a Spanish speaking country.

8. A picture of a fruit or vegetable that is eaten in the US but originally came from Latin America Added point if you write the name of the fruit or vegetable en español.

9. Two words used in English that come originally from Spanish. Include a drawing of the word. (YOURS!! Not from book or internet) Extra point for each additional word and drawing.

10. Two US state names that come from the Spanish language and their meanings.

11. A picture of Sonya Sotomayor. Include a note about who she is, what languages she speaks, what her family heritage is, and why she is important.

12. An advertisement, label, or packaging in Spanish. Not off the Internet

14. The name, picture, and country of origin of the newest White Sox player.

15.The name of the country that celebrates its 200th anniversary of independence (1810-2010) and the 100th (1910-2010) anniversary of its revolution.

Monday, September 13, 2010

¡Viva México! Happy 200th birthday!

Hola todos,

Chicago is gearing up for the celebration of Mexico's bicentennial of its independence from Spain. Parades took place around the area last weekend. Check out the Chicago Tribune website for some great photos.

If you want to get in on the celebration, there's still time.

Mexico and Central America celebrate their independence on 16 September. Traditionally, the Mexican festivities start the evening before with the President taking the stage in Mexico City to re-create the "Grito" (like our Declaration of Independence.)

In Chicago, Millennium Park's Pritzker Pavillion will be the site of the event.

Here's the blurb from the Chicago Tribune announcing the event:
"From 6:30 to 9:00 an artistic program will be held featuring mariachi music, a children's choir from Morelia, classical music, dance groups from Jalisco and Guanajuato, the Sones de México, a Chicago-based folkloric music group. The civic ceremony will take place from 9:00-9:30 and feature local elected officials, and the traditional "grito" or cry, for independence. Mexican actor César Costa will be the primary master of ceremonies. Cost: Free. For more information:"

¡Viva, México!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Parade on Saturday! ¡Viva México! ¡Viva Centroamérica!

Hola todos,

Just a quick note to let you know that next week marks a very important date in Mexican and Central American history. On September 16 (celebration starts on the evening of the 15th), Mexico and Central America celebrate the bicentennial -- 200th anniversary-- of their independence from Spain. We will learn more about this and about Mexico in general in class in the coming weeks.

Want to help celebrate? The downtown Mexican Independence Day parade steps off from Balbo and Columbus Drive at 11:00 this coming Saturday (tomorrow!!), September 11, 2010.

There will also be parades in the Mexican neighborhoods of Pilsen (Saturday) and Little Village (Sunday.) Check out the local papers or internet for more details. Be sure to wear your verde, blanco y rojo.

¡Viva México! ¡Viva América Central!

Keep watching this space for more excitement -- about our learning, activities around town, and enrichment opportunities.

hasta pronto y gracias por todo,
Señora Deaton