Hola todos,
¡Bienvenidos al año escolar 2009 -2010! Welcome to the 2009- 2010 school year. I am so excited to be back with the students again, seeing how much they remembered, getting their Spanish channels humming, and meeting so many new faces -- many who come with Spanish at home or from preschool and day care experiences. I look forward to seeing what they know and helping everyone grow even more.
Please check back soon for more details about our learning and to get ideas for activities and resources. There's much to do in the metropolitan Chicago area! Coming up are the ¡Viva Chicago! music fest downtown Chicago, Fiesta para todos at Brookfield Zoo, and great exhibits (including El día de los muertos) at the National Museum of Mexican Art.
Watch for más Noticias.
Gracias por todo y hasta pronto,
Sra. Deaton