¡Hola y bienvenidos!
Bienvenidos a "Deaton Noticias!" Welcome to Deaton Noticias!
Time sure flies! March is here and spring just around the corner. I am very much enjoying spending time with your children and seeing how much they have learned. We have spent much time dancing, singing, reading, doing math and social studies and more. Our room is truly a mini-Hispanic world, with Spanish words all around and souvenirs and flags from various countries. If you haven't visited, please come by. The main rule is "No English." Even the map is in Spanish. Truly this greatly facilitates the use of the Spanish language. Within this environment, the students challenge themselves and use more Spanish each day. Every day there is something new and exciting.
¡Cómo vuela el tiempo! Ya llegó el mes de marzo y pronto viene la primavera. Me alegro mucho pasar el tiempo con sus hijos y ver cuanto aprenden. Nos divertimos mucho cada día bailando, cantando, leyendo, haciendo matemática y estudios sociales y más. Nuestro salón es un verdadero mini-mundo hispano, con palabras en español por todas partes y recuerdos y banderas de varios paises. Si no han venido todavía, favor de vistarlo. La regla número uno es "no inglés." Hasta el mapa es en español. Realmente facilita mucho el uso del idioma. Dentro de este ambiente, los niños intentan usar su español cada día aún más y en tomar el riesgo, siguen creciendo. Cada día hay algo nuevo y emocionante.
I enjoyed seeing many of you during parent teacher conferences and look forward to the rest of the year. Gracias to all those who donated books to our "biblioteca de español" during the book fair. We look forward to reading them.
Here's a taste of our learning in February:
MAP to grade 3: Transportation words -- having lots of fun playing charades, Heads up 7 up, matching games, and movement and music. Among our new vocabulary words are coche, carro, avión, barco, barco de vela, nave espacial, helicóptero, moto (motocicleta), bicicleta, camión, autobús. MAP (K-2) just finished learning about the sistema solar and planetas en español: Mercurio, Venus, La Tierra, Marte, Júpiter, Saturno, Urano, Neptuno, Sol, Luna, estrella, Vía Láctea. We will finish transporte and then head to seasonal themes such as spring and animals.
Grades 4 & 5: Practicing our reading skills and acting out mini-books "Vamos, pinguinos, vamos" and "Día de Nieve." We are about to begin our unit on the Inca, Azteca, y Maya.
Please visit this blog regularly for updates on our learning, upcoming events, language and cultural enrichment and family fun. Check out the fun links and the slideshows will take you to faraway places. In March we travel to Peru!
Favor de comunicarse conmigo con cualquier cosa. Please contact me at any time.
Gracias por viajar con nosotros. Thanks for traveling with us.
Sra. Deaton